PAC AND SUPER PAC (Presidential Advisory Councils)
A PAC (Presidential Advisory Council) is a group of about a dozen CEO members who serve as a board of advisors for one another - A "mastermind" group. About 150 CEO Club members participate in a PAC. PAC members must be members of the CEO Club. PAC members must sign mutual confidentiality agreements, agree to share detailed financial information, and agree not to miss more than two consecutive meetings. They also must be in control of their company and need to have a minimum of 25 employees with at least $2 million in annual sales. Sounding out issues or decisions with a knowledgeable, yet not directly involved, peer group can significantly improve the odds of success. The group focuses on the host company's biggest problem or opportunities. The council then offers solutions and advice. A mastermind occurs at the end of each session as each member shares their ideas to aid the host. This is audio-taped for the host to utilize as a reference. Confidentiality agreements are signed due to the sharing of financial information. Meetings include recaps and current developments by the council members present. A PAC meets eight times annually, at each member's business. Each meeting usually goes from 10am to 5pm. The Super PAC is for larger companies and operates on an international basis. Minimum company size is $10 million in annual sales. Super PACs meet for three-day weekends three times a year. Annual fees are $10,000 for two people. All Super PAC members receive all the benefits of a full CEO Club member.
Preliminary Due Diligence Request Four Seasons San Francisco Deal Notes
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DALLAS Next session, Dallas, TX, September 27th and 28th... The Dallas Super PAC will be held at the wonderful Gaylord hotel in Grapevine, Texas: ![]()
Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center
It is a spectacular facility and our CEO CLUB room rate is $210/night (half of London) with: * Local phone calls (first 20 minutes each) Be sure to book a room early, as it is very popular with five restaurants and a full vacation resort. The plan is to visit Gayle and Mike's facility early Friday morning and tour the complexities of the 300,000 square foot contract manufacturing facility. The product mix is exciting and very diverse which will provide support for the issues they raise during their Friday PAC. I will provide transportation from the Gaylord but I encourage Dallas based members who drive to arrange to take some members staying at the Gaylord to and from the event. The evening dinner on Friday will be at Gayle and Mike's home a few miles away. It will be limited to just the Super PAC members. It should be fun as Gayle plans Mexican starters followed by a giant Pizza truck loaded with a real brick oven...should be a memory maker, for a group that has so many delightful memories. The Gaylord shuttle will return after dinner between 8-10. So, plan accordingly as we will not return as a group to the Gaylord, which is about an hour away, until after dinner. Saturday morning will start with breakfast at the Gaylord followed by a PAC for David Hale. Saturday night dinner will be within the Gaylord in a special room. Because we are in Dallas, we will have an overflow of attendance so plan accordingly. More details yet to come... London was wonderful and we had some vibrant exchanges. Barbara received a spectacular mastermind. Dinner was capped with some lovely dinner wines from Hyderabad, India. They were grown by members Krishna and Uma when they were not busy running marathons on seven continents. They are slowly developing a hobby while running a very large 1500 employees pharmaceutical business. We had a high absence in England but I believe Dallas will return us to full Super PAC strength. Hopefully, Krishna and Uma will meet the rest of you even thought their sons wedding is scheduled the next weekend. I am hoping to make a middle-east and India visit by the end of this year. Our next session will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the great city of
Dallas on September 27-29 2013. We will be enjoying a dinner at the home of
Gayle and Mike and I will offer more details in thirty days. We offer a big
thank you to this dynamic couple. The Dallas hosts will be Gayle, Mike, and David Hale. While we can't promise, we expect to see Marcos and Mark back with the rest of the story, the main jOBS film is tentatively targeted for release I mid-August. So we should have some hard data in late September. Meanwhile it is very common to be biting your fingernails in the movie business. Cash's new book continues with positive reviews and he will bring some to Dallas.
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